Week 3
For this assignment I decided to do a sketch influenced by Anna Lucia’s work.
By: Anna Lucia
By: Sam De Armas
I started with what I learned from the Encode 2 exercise and began with making the border first.
First few tries looked like this. Even though they were an accident I do like the scribble effect.
Decided to do the border this way but I feel there is a simpler solution that I may be missing.
Filling the middle portion felt a lot easier after spending so much time doing the border. As I was working on this blog post I thought about what it would look like without the strokes, when I cleared the strokes it gave the sketches a new look.
(With stroke filled)
(With no stroke)
I wanted to see if there was a way to change the color palette based off the mouseX and Y position
when I tried I kept running into issues with the way I was handling the colors
I want to look for an efficient way to call random colors from a specific array