Inquiries and Inspirations
Journal post #1. Inquiry space + Inspiration list
a. Inquiry space. Look at your concept map from class. What are your key areas of interest? These can be fields, themes, media, techniques. Draw a diagram describing your inquiry space. The idea is that it serve as a map, helping guide your research and, later, your exploratory prototyping.
b. Inspiration list. Start building your repository for inspiration. For your areas of interest: what terms are used, who are the people working in this field, where do you find their work, what looks interesting?
Inspo? Puzzles (and basically every other similar game I enjoy)
New York Times Games
Source: NYT Games homepage
Source: NYT Vertex
Source: NYT Letterboxed
Every day like clockwork I play the NYT games, they add joy and play to my mornings.
Virtual Reality Inspirations
Source: Cubism
Source: Cubism
Source: Puzzling Places
Source: Tetris Effect
Then I thought about non-digital games that interested me.
What games?
Jigsaw Puzzles
Number Slider
Design Concepts and Principles Inspiration
In my third semester at ITP I started the course Hedonomic VR taught by Michelle Cortese. This course made a large impact on the way I see VR design. The course uses each level of the Hedonomic Pyramid to VR design choices.
I want to use what I’ve learned throughout that course as a base for my process of designing this experience.