Modest Mouse for Everyone
The initial idea for the final was to create a sketch that would take random user input to then provide back a song recommendation. That led us to looking into different APIs to use song databases, spotipy and spotifyr. After doing some research we learned about Genius’ API (song lyrics website) and with inspiration from this article, the project transitioned to what it is now.
The sketch asks the user a question that mimics those of a self help app in the morning and based off the answers the sketch goes through the Genius API database of Modest Mouse’s discography to provide a song recommendation.
images above are the initial UX design ideas (the design stayed true to the initial ideas)
we used the API from Genius lyrics to pull down all modest mouse lyrics
saved as a json and imported to p5
to get the concordances for each song, which are a key-value pair where the key is a word and the value is the number of times that word appear in the song, p5 has a library called RiTA which has a built in function to do this
Things to be added:
reset button/reset timer at the end to restart the sketch without having to refresh
text wrap
make mobile friendly
Notable Failure:
Before deciding on using Genius API we initially wanted to recommend songs based off audio wave fingerprints instead of text. I was able to learn how to use Spotify’s Web API to grab song info using text input. Was unable to learn how to use the WAV fingerprint within the time frame of this project but am looking forward to continue for future projects.
Project by: Spencer Harris and Sam De Armas (&& a lot help from Tres Pimentel)