Are They Opposites?

Words that came to mind when asked to think about opposites:

  • ice cream | pretzels = sweet | salty

  • coffee | tea = awake | asleep

  • virtual | physical = real | artificial

  • love | despair

  • nature | city

  • young | old

I have a piece, A Fine Line, that was the start of my journey into questioning reality. Can we consider what happens in the Virtual World “Real”?

My first idea was to have an image be altered by the viewers mouse movements. So I learned how to add images to a p5 sketch and a simple way to have the viewer interact and alter the image.

image: screenshot of code used to upload an image of a boot and adjust size of the image with mouse movement

link to above reference

image: Static/Perlin Noise

Then I became interested in the idea of using static to alter an image.

I learned how to create the image on the left using the following references:

Coding Train: I.5: 2D Noise - Perlin Noise and p5.js Tutorial

Perlin Noise - 2D Noise


image: screenshot of code used for creation of static image

How was I going to have the viewer think about themselves when questioning the reality of the physical and virtual? I browsed the reference page and saw that it is possible to include webcam footage, createCapture(), into a p5.js sketch.

So instead of a single image, the capture of the viewer is being altered and the only way to view the capture clearly is through a physical action, mouseIsPressed(). The viewer must click on the screen and hold the mouse to have the capture be visible.

Final Experience / Final Code


Decision Fatigue

