Final Project Drafts
Initial Ideas
Arduino sensor to VR
controller for spatial audio in a physical space
water flow controlled by a distance sensor
sensor that turns on a fountain to water a plant
After thinking through each idea although my interest tends to go towards VR but felt stronger about the concept for the plant. After processing what would be required for each project my choice to work alone limits the projects ability and I feel this project is the one that will challenge me but not be out of reach within the time frame.
Plant water fountain wins.
The project will require the following:
water fountain mechanism
way to contain water
recycle water?
water receptacle
proximity/distance sensor
micro sd reader
audio amp
audio that will be used
pedestal / place to present the project
The idea stems from multiple past art pieces i’ve done as well as Mika Rottenberg’s piece AC Trio.
What is the experience?
There will be a plant that sits below a fountain (any type of way I can water the plant using the Arduino). The plants neutral state will be “crying” and no water and when someone gets close to it, the sound will stop and the plant begins to get watered.
Images created by DALL-E that don’t quite capture my idea but feels beneficial to have something visual to show my idea.