For Seeing Machines first assignment we were given the task of making our own version of Conway’s Game of Life. This was my first time working with C++ so I ran into a few issues.
The main one being that I was unable to get the ofImage to grab the information from the first image to then make a copy to create the animation like image.
The code is set up to getColor of the original canvas (ofImage) but then setColor was done to the copy. I was looking at this video hoping it would help me with the code but realized it was not using openFrameworks, it did however help me understand the logic of how Conway’s Game of Life works.
Next steps will be
Make the pixels larger
Randomize the starter pixels
Giving the user the option to choose the starter pixels
Reset button
My Github for this assignment.
Thank you to Karina Chow and Isabel for assisting me on this assignment.
I was able to get the pixels larger and not blurry by using GL_NEAREST!