Week 10


github repository | code with annotations

Through a sea of failed attempts there was plenty of new things to learn.

  • no longer needing the authentication process, users will be prompted to put their last.fm username and it will be able to grab the currently playing track from spotify

  • creating a container inside another container to prevent wrap from separating the videos with their text components

  • something that assisted me in working through the code was the idea of family trees, which led me to think about how to make sure all the videos are the same size

For some reason I was at the beginning able to figure out how to get some text underneath every video but when a new video would enter it would come in smaller and then after a few minutes it would readjust to the right size. When I tried altering the code the text underneath would break.

Here I created a container for the first video and text. “Container in a container” is how I was able to understand it. But for a while I was unable to understand how to apply the same logic to the incoming videos. I was working with the CSS and HTML. After sometime because the incoming videos are actually being sent by the JavaScript code I realized the container for those must be coded directly in the JavaScript code.

I finally figured out how to get text underneath every video. Using HTML for the users video and Java

Next steps: making the final decision of aesthetics and user interface for the home screen to the chatroom


A complete guide to flexbox

My amazing roommate Karina Chow


Silent “Study” Disco!


Week 8