Working with Arduino

When I started working on the first lab the Arduino application would not upload to my board.

Troubleshooting with the basics did not work: check port, restart computer, check wire, all the libraries were downloaded but nothing would work. I ended up downloading Arduino IDE and it worked immediately so that is what I’ll be using moving forward. (although I could delete all Arduino off my computer, seems like a similar problem we had during class)

Week 3 Notes

Lab: Tone Output Using An Arduino

Checking the sensor input range

Photosensor range: Highest 21 | Lowest 0

Force-sensing resistor range: Highest 550(ish) | Lowest 0

Checking that the speakers work

After soldering the wires to the speaker I set up my breadboard to test them out. I feel it was a good sign that it was audible even while sitting in the Fabrication Shop.

✓ the speakers worked with both sensors

Playing some beeps and bops

✓ both sensors were able to manipulate the sounds based off the range

Make the beeps louder

✘ couldn’t get it to work

Could not understand why it was getting quieter and not louder. I started to make a breadboard sketch on fritzing when I realized I did not have the right transistor and then it all made sense.

Lab: Servo Motor Control with an Arduino

This one felt very straight forward but did notice there is supposed to be a decoupling capacitor but was unable to figure out which one (back to the basics). But I went ahead and everything seemed fine until I noticed the motor having a stutter every time it reaches one end (shown in the video below).

image: motor moving based off the force-sensing resistor range | when it reaches a full turn it starts to “stutter”

would this have anything to do with me not using a capacitor?

note: before I noticed the instructions on how to attach the header pins, I used wires and placed them in directly to the motor it worked but definitely not the most crafty.

What I wanted to do VS What actually happened



Midterm - Ghost Choir


Foundation Lessons