Foundation Lessons Sep 21 Written By Sam De Armas Week 1 Notes Lab: Setting up a breadboard, Electronics and using a Multimeter, Switches tools needed for the labs where I learn how to set up a breadboard successfully connected the microcontroller (arduino nano) lit up LED light powered by the microcontroller LED close-up three switches in parallel to light up an LED set up to power a DC motor using a microcontroller Readings A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design source Timo Arnall on the fallacy off invisible interfaces source Sam De Armas
Foundation Lessons Sep 21 Written By Sam De Armas Week 1 Notes Lab: Setting up a breadboard, Electronics and using a Multimeter, Switches tools needed for the labs where I learn how to set up a breadboard successfully connected the microcontroller (arduino nano) lit up LED light powered by the microcontroller LED close-up three switches in parallel to light up an LED set up to power a DC motor using a microcontroller Readings A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design source Timo Arnall on the fallacy off invisible interfaces source Sam De Armas